The Dawn Vigil

May your light never go out

Dawn to Dusk

Divisions and Where You Fit In!

Did you think an organization as large in scale as the Dawn Vigil wouldn't have its branches? Well of course it does! We welcome all adventurers into our ranks, no matter what their background or speciality may be. So, it is only natural that we have some kind of system to better make use of their ability and experience.
Let us see where you belong.

Our first line of defense against all the beasties that threaten society! Our warriors and slayers of beasts great and small. Be you strong of arm and brave of soul? Do you possess a power with which you could face down an ancient deity? Do you merely love all things possessing an edge and seek battle above all other things? Then this is where you belong. Join the Guardians and help keep the people of this Star safe.Are you seeking knowledge long lost? Do you long to understand all that is aetherical? Are you simply too good with a wand to consider doing anything else? Then here is where you belong. The Scholars handle all that is magical within the Company. Healers, Mages, explorers of ancient ruins... The Scholars need and train all that wish to broaden their understanding of our Star.Are you most at home away from home? Does the field call to you, the woods and plains of our Star holding such an allure that you simply can't stay still? Then perhaps you had best join the Rangers! Our spies and scouts, the Rangers travel across our Star and identify threats for our Guardians or ancient hoards for our Scholars. Without the Rangers, we would be lost.

The Quest Board!

There's no end to the needs of this Star's people. From supplies to protection, the Dawn Vigil accepts all requests, big or small, and finds the adventurers best suited to the task. Visit the job board regularly and pick up quests best suited to your abilities! Only you can decide how grand the adventure will be.

Plant Problems at Summerford FarmsSuccor for Little Ala MhigoAllagan HoardsLegion Remnants in the LochsA Reappearing MenaceRumours of Shards
Summerford Farms is having some trouble with Mandragoras of late. See what you can do about this.Some of the refugees have run afoul of the local wildlife and are in need of antidotes. See about getting a shipment to them.Some Rangers identified a remnant of Dalamud a bit more intact than others. See what mysteries and plunder it may hold.Some remnants of the 12th Legion are making trouble in the Lochs. Sort them out before they do any real damage. Beware of magitek.A ranger stationed out in Dravania has seen what looks to be the signs of a primal resurgence. Slay it.We've heard rumour of shard activity. Identify the shard and find out their wicked plan before it's too late.


The Dawn Vigil hosts a number of events! From deep stories, to wacky tales, to fun games for prizes! We try to hold our events regularly and have fun!

Shard HuntSecond Sunday4pm PSTCosta del Sol
Quest Turn-ins!Every Sunday9am PSTVigil Hall
Vigil MeetingFirst Sunday4pm PSTVigil Hall

About Us

The Dawn Vigil is, without making things too complicated, the beginnings of a Grand Company for the world. While other companies limit themselves to Eorzea, we work for the benefit of all those that live on our Star.Our goal is to create a peaceful world, where the common man need not live in fear. To that end, we will do what the Scions can't. We will go where the Grand Companies will not go. The world over, we will fight for the people of our star.Given such a lofty goal, the Vigil needs people. Talented people from all walks of life. Warriors, artisans, merchants... Adventurers seeking their place in our star, or the next great adventure.Will you join us?

Member Carrds

Dawn to Dusk

Dawn to Dusk

Our Story

Dawn Vigil Historia

By Blake Shadovor

Seventh Astral Era
Year 1
A group of adventurers (consisting of Raven Lyer, Blake Shadovor, and Cyrus Kalcos) form a party in Dravania and take part in taking down the spider Primal Shologo. The party then splits up and heads their separate ways.
A short time after, Raven gets the idea to form a free company. He invites his previous party members to become the founding members of the Dawn Vigil.
By the end of the year, the Dawn Vigil meets the heavily sundered Ascian known as Deumschurtz. Deumschurtz immediately takes a liking to the Dawn Vigil and declares them his mortal enemies… simultaneously.
The Dawn Vigil recruits a few new members from Raven’s contacts.
Year 2
The Dawn Vigil welcomes the Shirelings back to Eorzea and helps them find a home.
The Dawn Vigil briefly takes part in the liberation of Ala Mhigo and heavily takes part in the liberation of Doma.
After liberating Doma, the Dawn Vigil settles in Shirogane.
Near the end of the year, The Dawn Vigil starts openly recruiting.
On the Winter Solstice, the Dawn Vigil stops Deumschurtz from setting fire to the sun. The first Deumschurtz shard is killed.
Year 3
At the beginning of the year, The Dawn Vigil stops Deumschurtz from detonating the Aurum Vale. The second Deumschurtz shard is killed.
The Vigil’s Respite officially opens to the public.
Around the middle of the year, the Dawn Vigil stops Deumschurtz from turning the world’s oceans into ice cream to kill the world via tooth decay. The third Deumschurtz shard is killed.
Shortly after the third Deumschurtz shard is killed, a member of the Dawn Vigil is caught and arrested by the Temple Knights of Ishgard on the charge of being a wanted murderer. He is summarily executed by Lord Aymeric.
After receiving reports of the Gleaners increasing their activity throughout Eorzea from his father, Blake organizes an expedition to Sharlayan to determine what’s going on. The Dawn Vigil assists in getting Labyrinthos in order. The Vigil also lends assistance in gathering materials for the Forum’s project.
The Dawn Vigil begins assisting with relief efforts.
After everything settles down, the Dawn Vigil goes back to business as usual.


By Cyrus Kalcos

Ascians are a strange and dangerous bunch but none are more strange than the one called Deumschurts. This particular Ascian is an outcast of Ascian “Society”, if you can call it that, as he was deemed too sundered to be of any use. Yes; Deumshurtz is perhaps the most sundered being in existence, having an unknown number of shards and a heavily fractured mind as a result. Their shards vary widely from those of relatively sound mind to those that think spiders have a good fashion sense.Through a cruel twist of fate the single mindedness of the shards has given them access to a terrifying power, the ability to change the world around them to fit whatever they believe. For instance; If a shard believes a single feather to weigh as much as an entire chocobo, it will become so.Now you may be wondering: What hope do we have against such terrifyingly evil beings as these? That’s where the Dawn Vigil comes into play! As the one and only line of defense against these mad beings, the Vigil has thwarted their schemes time and time. Indeed, they have thwarted the dastardly Deumschurtz so many times, to date, that they’ve become a primary target of the shards’ dreadful plans.Now that you know the threat are you willing to join the fight against madness itself?

Concerning Sharfolk

By Raven Lyer

You might have noticed a few, well, "odd" names in the Free Company's roster. You may have thought, for a second, that you were going quite mad. Names like Took, Gamgee, Brandybuck, or (twelve forgive) Baggins simply don't belong!Well, allow me to put your mind at ease.You are quite mad. The names are there. They do, indeed, belong.The Dawn Vigil plays host to a small group of little seen Lalafell folk referred to as Sharfolk, or Sharlings.These people hail from Sharlaya, having set down homestead in, what is now known as, Idyllshire in days past; before all this nasty business with Garlemald drove them out.Well, a select few have returned to Eorzea and plan to make their way back to their chosen home; And we of the Vigil are proud to assist them! Do what you can to welcome these folk home, and lend them an ear, a sword, or coin for second breakfast when you can!